Is IVF Treatment Haram in Islam?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a fertility treatment that allows people who are infertile to conceive a child. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the procedure of extracting an egg from a woman’s eggs and fertilizing it in a laboratory with sperm. The fertilized egg is the embryo. It is implanted in a woman’s womb to continue developing and expanding. You can utilize donor sperm or your own eggs and/or sperm.

IVF success rates can be affected by your age and the root cause of your infertility. IVF can also be costly, time-consuming, and obtrusive. In vitro fertilization (IVF) can result in multiple pregnancies if more than one embryo is implanted into the uterus.

What Happens in IVF?

Decapeptyl injection is given to the lady to prepare her for the hormone injections that will cause her to discharge a large number of eggs. The lady is given an HCG dose to complete developing the eggs. This injection is normally given 36 hours before egg extraction. IVF involves six distinct stages. These stages are described below-

1. Stopping your regular cycle: Medications can be used to stop your menstrual cycle.

2. Help your ovaries produce more eggs: Your ovaries are stimulated by medication to release more eggs at once.

3. Tracking your development and creating your eggs: An ultrasound scan is used to monitor the growth of eggs and administer drugs to accelerate their maturation.

4. Extracting eggs: A needle is inserted through your vagina into your ovaries to extract eggs.

5. Fertilising eggs: In order to promote fertilization, the eggs and sperm are mixed for a few days.

6. Transferring embryo(s): Your womb will receive one or two fertilized embryos.

To determine if the procedure was successful, you must wait for two weeks after the embryos have been placed in your womb.

Islam’s Views on Having Children

Unquestionably, children are one of the greatest joys of life and beautification. Having children is also one of the goals of marriage. A happy child is a blessing for his/her parents, both now and in the long term. His/her good deeds will add to the good works of his parents.

A man or woman may be affected by the absence or delay of having children.

It is perfectly acceptable to use a method of childbirth that is permitted by Islamic law. Muslims must be cautious about false paths, such as sihr (witchcraft), myths, and medical professionals whose main concern is making money from people who want to become parents, rather than caring about Allah. They also swap sperm and eggs in some cases. Many scholars have deemed some techniques of conception illegal or have imposed highly strict criteria.

Learn More: Advantages & Disadvantages of IVF Treatment

Is IVF Treatment Haram in Islam?

Muslims understand that everything, including death and life, is in conformity with Allah’s will. Even if infertility exists, attempting to conceive is not regarded as a rebellion against Allah’s will. However, different Islamic scholars have opposing viewpoints.

The majority of current reproductive procedures have just lately been available. Although the Quran and Hadith do not mention particular strategies, scholars have interpreted them to their beliefs.

Following the publishing of suggestions that were authorized by authorities in several Muslim countries, well-known scientific and religious groups, as well as other entities, came out in favor of assisted reproduction.

These regulations included a fatwa of Dar El Iftaa, Cairo (1980), a fatwa of the Islamic Fiqh Council (IFC) in Makkah (1984), a fatwa o the Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences in Kuwait (1983), a fatwa o the International Islamic Centre for Population Studies and Research in Al-Azhar University in 1986 and a fatwa from the International Islamic Centre for Population Studies and Research in Al-Azhar University in 1986. These rules are generally adhered to by Muslims [19].

To be safe, IVF should not be allowed in accordance with the Shari judgment on the subject. All assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) are allowed under Islamic law, provided the sperm and ovum are from legal weds who are still married. A third party cannot interfere with a couple’s sexual or reproductive activities.

Some authorities believe that IVF should be attempted only after normal man-woman fertilization has failed for at least two years. Children are God-given, according to Islam. IVF is permissible provided the correct procedures are followed. These are the guidelines you should follow-

● If there are female staff members available, the lady shouldn’t reveal her ‘awrah to men.
● Artificial insemination using the husband’s sperm
● It is important to immediately implant the eggs of the woman and the man’s fertilized eggs into her uterus. They should not be kept in a freezer for future use or another session. To avoid them being combined or used for another purpose, you should do it immediately.
● To have a child, the wife must place her egg and her husband’s fertilized eggs in her uterus. Any other behavior is strictly forbidden.
● This treatment should be performed by doctors who have complete faith in Allah

Scholars agree that there are many options for reproductive methods allowed under Islamic law. However, they must be within the boundaries of a married couple. After being fertilized with a husband’s eggs and sperm, the result of in vitro fertilization must be decided.

If IVF is necessary for a woman of faith, she and her husband must be extremely careful to ensure that there is no contamination that could violate Islam’s rules.

Final Word

Artificial insemination must be performed only by the husband and wife. Any other forms of artificial insemination are prohibited. The use of third-party sperm or eggs would be considered a serious sin in Islam. So when the question comes is IVF treatment haram in Islam? The answer is, no. But the condition will be when the husband & wife tried for a baby but they didn’t get it. That’s when they can try IVF but cannot use a third party’s sperm or eggs.

The article was originally published at


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